Criminal convictions from across Canada where supported by fingerprints |
Criminal convictions from local databases (Service conducting screening check) - not supported by fingerprints (i.e. summary convictions) |
Outstanding entries, such as charges and warrants, judicial orders, Peace Bonds, Probation and Prohibition Orders - confirmed and authorized for release by the contributing agency. |
Absolute and Conditional Discharges (where disposition is still in effect). |
Family Court Restraining Orders. |
Charged and processed by other means such as Diversion (released as police contact only). |
Dispositions including, but not limited to, Withdrawn, Dismissed, and cases of Not Criminally Responsible by Reason of Mental Disorder. |
A review of all available police contacts including but not limited to theft, weapons, sex offences, or violent, harmful and threatening behaviour. |
Pardoned criminal convictions for sex offences, identified as a result of a VS query, and where authorized by the Minister of Public Safety. |
Convictions under provincial statutes (i.e. Trespass to Property Act, Liquor Licence Act, Highway Traffic Act, etc.). |
Ministry of Transportation information (PARIS) related to non-criminal driving convictions (i.e. speeding, careless, drive suspended, etc.). |
Suspect information that would hinder an ongoing investigation, or where the suspect has not been spoken to. |
Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) information beyond the applicable disclosure period. |
Any reference to contagious diseases. |
Victim/Complaint information (unless under exceptional circumstances). |
Foreign information (i.e. criminal convictions or other information from police agencies outside Canada). |
Any reference to incidents involving mental health contact that did not result in a criminal charge. |