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Camrose Police Service
Police Information Checks

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Types of Police Information Checks

Police Information Check without Vulnerable Sector Screening (PIC)

This check is for applications who will NOT be in a position of trust or authority relative to vulnerable persons.

The Camrose Police Service uses three search mechanisms:
  • SENTRY (Police Information Management System) - Local records of the applicant's involvement with Camrose Police Service.
  • JOIN (Justice Online Information Network) - The Alberta Court system.
  • CPIC (Canadian Police Information Centre) system and R.C.M.P. National repository in Ottawa.
This Police Information Check only provides information found at the time of the check, on the above listed systems. The Camrose Police Service does not guarantee completeness of the information, as we are limited to information available on these systems. This check does not include information found in any other jurisdiction's local police information system; nor does it include court information of any other provinces, except convictions registered on the National Repository for Canada and information entered onto the Canadian Police Information Centre System.

Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening (PIC VS)

You can only apply for a PIC VS if you live in the City of Camrose.

What information will be disclosed on a Police Information Check?

  • Criminal Records - Adult and Youth
    - Includes indictable, dual procedure and summary conviction offences
  • Pending and outstanding charges
  • Outstanding warrants for arrest Canada-wide
  • Police Files/Information Reports
    - Relevant occurrences1
  • Records of not criminally responsible by reasons of Mental Disorder pursuant to s.16(1) cc (disclosed if relevant)1
  • Judicial Orders while in effect
    - Probations, prohibitions, peace bonds2 and recognizance conditions
  • Vulnerable Sector Records (pardoned sex offender)
  • Absolute Discharge for one year period2
  • Stay of Proceedings for one year periond2
  • Conditional Discharge for three year period2
  • Alternative Measures for one year periond3
  1. Relevancy refers to the protection of person, property, and any information that could cause an individual or organization, concerns for the safety of individuals, employees or volunteers.
  2. Period commences from the date of sentencing.
  3. Period commences from court confirmation of disposition completion.