Freedom of Information Requests
Pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, individuals can request access to any record held by government institutions, including a local police service. Requests for copies of records that exist within the files of this police service are made through the Information and Privacy Unit.
The most common types of requests processed by the Information and Privacy Unit are:
- General Occurrence Reports
- Records of Arrest
- Police related 911 emergency calls
Depending on what is being requested and if the release of information would be deemed an invasion of another individual’s personal privacy, it would be reasonable to expect that the personal information of the other individuals involved may be severed. This is done in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
If the records requested relate to an incident that did not involve you, and you were not spoken to during our investigation, it is highly unlikely that access to the records will be granted. Some records are available without making a request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
In addition to the initial $5.00 (non-refundable) application fee, there may be additional fees upon completion. Some examples of additional fees charged are: 0.20 cents per page for photocopying, $7.50 per 15 minutes of search time, $7.50 per 15 minutes for preparation time and mailing costs according to current Canada Post rates.
Processing time is between 30 and 60 days. A request that does not require us to contact third parties would be completed within a 30 day period as mandated by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Where a report is needed sooner, this information can be conveyed to us and where possible will be accommodated, however, records can also be subpoenaed if they are needed for a court and our method of access is not practicable.
Provided we have initially seen you and your identification and you have submitted written authorization, you can authorize someone else to pick up your package.Your letter must state that you are authorizing the Kawartha Lakes Police Service to release your sealed FOI package to a named individual.
Correcting Information about yourself:
The Act provides that individuals have the right to correct their own personal information if it is in error. This applies only to personal information to which the requester has been given access. After access has been granted to personal information, the individual has the right to request.
- Correction of personal information;
- A statement of disagreement be attached to the record;
- Notification of correction or disagreement be sent to those to whom his/her personal information was disclosed within the previous year. The right of correction applies only to personal information which an individual is provided access.