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Forrest Green Privacy Policy

Policy on Privacy of Customer Personal Information

Forrest Green Solutions Ltd. ("Forrest Green") is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information obtained by reason of your customer relationship with Forrest Green. The Forrest Green Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy") explains the types of customer personal information we collect, how it is used, and the steps we take to ensure your personal information is handled appropriately.

Our policies and practices have been designed to comply with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and corresponding provincial privacy acts. Our Privacy Policy may be amended from time to time. We encourage you to review the current Privacy Policy from time to time. A list of frequently asked privacy questions (FAQs) is also available to provide you with examples and instances of how your personal information may be collected, used and disclosed.

Who is Forrest Green?
For purposes of this Privacy Policy, "Forrest Green" means Forrest Green Solutions Ltd. and its family of companies including Forrest Green Resource Management Corp. and Forrest Green Consulting Corporation. Forrest Green also includes any successors or subsidiaries of the above-listed companies.

What is personal information?
Personal information is information about an identifiable individual. Personal information includes such things as your name, address, gender, telephone number and email as well as your opinions and preferences.

Privacy Principles:
  1. We are accountable to you
    Forrest Green is responsible for all personal information under its control, including any personal information that is transferred to third parties for processing, storage or other purposes. To achieve this objective, Forrest Green has developed and implemented this Privacy Policy.

  2. Why we collect your personal information
    Forrest Green identifies the purpose for which your personal information is collected. We do this before or at the time the information is actually being collected. We collect, use and disclose your personal information in order to:
    • Authentication of web users
    • administer the delivery of products and services to you;
    • track and analyze the content of most interest to you;
    • conduct surveys and analysis for research, statistical and product development purposes (information will be anonymized to the extent possible);
    • verify your identity and protect against error and fraud;
    • to update your consumer credit file to ensure accuracy for future transactions including authentication
    • perform tests to implement or modify systems;
    • comply with legal and regulatory requirements; and
    • achieve other purposes as may, from time to time, be permitted by law.

    By providing your information to Forrest Green, you consent to Forrest Green using your personal information for the purposes outlined above. Withdrawal of consent to collect, use and disclose your personal information may result in loss of access to the web portal.

  3. We obtain your consent to collect, use or disclose your personal information
    Forrest Green obtains your consent to collect, use or disclose your personal information, except as permitted by law. The method of obtaining consent depends on the circumstances and the sensitivity of the information. Consent will be provided via our web portal.

    Your consent is provided by the use of this web portal.

  4. We limit collection of your personal information
    Forrest Green collects only the information required to provide products and services to you. If the personal information we require is collected for a reason other than as outlined in this Privacy Policy, your consent will be obtained before or at the time the information is collected. Forrest Green will collect personal information only by clear, fair and lawful means.

  5. We limit use, disclosure and retention of your personal information
    Forrest Green uses and discloses your personal information only for the purposes for which it was collected, except with your consent or as required by law.

    We assure you that we do not sell or rent personal information. We only provide your personal information within Forrest Green and across our various businesses, with current or future Partners, and with third party service providers for the administration of certain promotional activities, and to ensure your needs are met and you are receiving optimum value from your participation in using our web portal.

    We may transfer your personal information to entities outside Forrest Green, such as our vendors, suppliers and agents who assist us in serving you ("Service Provider"). When your personal information is transferred to a Service Provider, we require them to protect the information in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy. You may contact us for information about our policies and practices regarding Service Providers to whom we have transferred your personal information and their locations.

    Forrest Green retains your personal information only as long as it is required for our business relationship or as required by law.

    In the unlikely event that Forrest Green, any of its affiliated companies, brands or substantially all of any of their assets are acquired by an unrelated third party, your personal information may be one of the transferred assets. By providing your personal information to us, you agree that we may disclose your personal information, on a confidential basis, to any prospective transferee and its professional advisors for the purposes of their due diligence investigations, the completion of any such transaction and the continued operation of the acquired business.

  6. We keep your personal information accurate
    We want to keep your personal information up to date, accurate and relevant for its intended use. We rely on you to let us know if your address, telephone number or other information changes, so that we may provide you with the best possible service.

  7. How we protect your personal information
    The security of your personal information is important to us. We will protect your personal information with appropriate safeguards and security measures. All of our Service Providers are required under their contracts with us to maintain your confidentiality and may not use your information for any unauthorized purpose. When we are required by law to provide information, we take reasonable steps to verify the lawful authority for the collection and we disclose only the information that is legally required. We review our procedures and security measures regularly to ensure that they are properly administered and remain effective and appropriate for the sensitivity of the information.

  8. We are open about our privacy and security policy
    We are committed to providing you with understandable and easily available information about our policies and practices related to management of your personal information.

  9. You can access your personal information stored by us
    You have the right to request access to your personal information we have on record in order to ensure it is accurate. If there are discrepancies, your information can be updated as appropriate. To access your personal information, a request must be submitted in writing to us. We will respond to your request for access or information in a reasonable time. There may be times when we are unable to fulfill your request - for example, if providing access to your personal information would reveal confidential commercial or proprietary information or personal information about someone else (and we are unable to separate your data), or if we are prohibited by law from disclosing the information.

  10. We respond to your questions, concerns and complaints about privacy
    Forrest Green responds in a reasonable time to your questions, concerns and complaints about the privacy of your personal information and our privacy policies and procedures. We will investigate and respond to any concern you have regarding the handling of your personal information. In most cases, an issue can be resolved simply by telling us about it and discussing any issues.