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Police Background Checks
A criminal background check conducted by your local police service offers the most comprehensive approach to ensuring public safety. Police Services, like the Taber Police, are able to survey and provide additional information not included in third-party criminal background checks that might only reference the federal RCMP CPIC database.
Additional information may exist, including criminal convictions for offences not supported by fingerprints (and therefore do not reside in the RCMP database), as well as potentially relevant non-conviction details including investigations where charges were not laid, charges that did not lead to convictions, and non-criminal offences such as disputes and disturbances. This information, if present, may be disclosed within a Police Information Check or Vulnerable Sector Check.
While some third party companies offer faster results, you may not be getting as much information as might potentially be available. Be informed and aware of limitations that may exist.
Note about Vulnerable Sector (VS)
* Vulnerable Sector Checks CANNOT be performed on this site.
VS Applies to individuals that intend to work and/or volunteer with Vulnerable Person(s).
A Vulnerable Person is defined as a person who may be in need of community care services by a reason of mental illness, developmental disability or delay, other disability, age, illness or emotional disturbance.
(e.g. Nurse, Teacher, Youth Coaches, Day Care Provider, Security Guard, Uber/Taxi Driver)