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Police Record Checks

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Record Suspension

A Record Suspension (formerly known as a Pardon) is a recognition that you are of good conduct. When a Record Suspension is granted, the information will be taken out of the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) computer system.
NOTE: there have been recent changes to eligibility criteria that may or may not affect you. The Parole Board of Canada has listed answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on their website to help you to determine if you are affected by these changes. Item #4 contains a link to more information on eligibility:

Before you are eligible to apply for a Record Suspension, you must have completed all your sentences and waited a certain period of time from the completion of your sentences. Under the Criminal Code of Canada and other federal statutes the waiting period is five years for summary convictions and ten years for indictable offences.

A person will not be eligible for a Record Suspension if s/he has been convicted of i) a Schedule 1 offence (sexual offence involving a minor) and/or ii) more than three offences prosecuted by indictment, each with a prison sentence of two years or more.

There are private companies who offer their assistance in obtaining Record Suspensions, but the booklet has been designed for individuals to apply for it on their own. The booklet may be downloaded from the Parole Board of Canada.

Once the applicant has received proof of conviction from the RCMP, the applicant may attend the Records Department to drop off the National Parole Board, Local Police Records Check Form (from the Record Suspension booklet).

It takes approximately 4-8 weeks to process, including mailing time.

The Parole Board of Canada also offers assistance through a toll free number on their website or by email.

Attend the Barrie Police Service Records and Information Management Services office to complete the Record Suspension Local Check.

The National Parole Board of Canada can be contacted at their toll free number 1-800-874-2652 or via their website